
Joshi Carroll is the author of Second Time Around and Texas Hearts—and much like the characters in her books, she has a Texas-sized heart that guides her creativity. A native of the Lone Star State, Joshi currently resides and works in Phoenix, Arizona, but has bucket-listed living the RV life with her partner, their two rambunctious dogs, and their two mischievous felines. For now, they look forward to fun weekend escapes to recharge and escape from the desert heat.

A lifelong writer, Joshi has published poetry in several anthologies and local magazines. She fully blames her encounters with Harlequin Romance novels as a teen for the fact that her muse consistently delivers the twisting tales and heartwarming lessons of cozy romance novels. Joshi reads more than 200 books every year, so when she’s not writing lesbian romances, she’s got her nose in a mystery, horror (especially if it’s got zombies!), sci-fi, fantasy, or another author’s lesbian romance.

With true-to-life stories set in small-town Texas, Arizona and Colorado, readers of Joshi’s books will quickly fall in love with relatable characters, experience their ups-and-downs, and feel the excitement of new romance. Just when you thought things couldn’t get any hotter in Texas (and Colorado), along came Joshi!

Word Wrangler Extraordinaire!

Frequently Asked Questions


How long have you been writing? I’ve been writing off and on for the last thirty years. I’ve started over ten novels and have not completed any of them until now. I’ve also written over thirty poems and have had a few published here and there.

Why did it take you so long to finish your first book? Honestly, I think it was fear. Not sure what I was afraid of, but thanks to Tom Bird’s program, I conquered my fears and finished my first novel.

Is Joshi Carroll a pen-name? Yes. Joshi is a nickname my brother gave me when I was a kid and Carroll is my middle name.

Have you been married a long time? Well, I guess it depends on how long is long. My partner and I have have been married since 2006. We had a lovely ceremony in Halifax, Nova Scotia and celebrated with friends in Denver, CO.

Why do you read so many books? As I mentioned above, I love reading and what better way to understand your industry than to partake in the consumption of the product.

Do you have a full time job? Yes, I work full-time in the software industry.

What other things should you know? I have a scooter and try to ride as often as I can. I play Canasta almost every Saturday night and yes, we do bet on the games. Juxtaposed to the card game betting, I don’t like to gamble. We recently discovered pickle ball and play with our best friends when the weather is nice, which is about nine months out of the year in Arizona. I’ve been a Toastmaster and recommend it for anyone who is going to be in an industry that requires a public persona.