Texas Hearts Excerpt

Coach Kate Holloway watched her boys run through the plays as they prepared for their first game of the season. She was proud of her team and worked with them to get to the point where they could dominate any team in the district. She blew her whistle and yelled, “Tommy! Damn it, your necks on a swivel, look right, look left. If you get sacked again, you’re going to be running bleachers the rest of practice. Rocco, what the hell are you doing? You should be watchin’ Tommy’s blind-side, move your flat feet, you’ll be runnin’ with Tommy if he gets tackled again.”

The team continued the scrimmage with Kate congratulating the strength of her defense. Two-a-days were coming to an end and they would be reverting to their standard practice every day after school. She blew her whistle again and signaled for the team to gather around her. “Okay, guys bring it in. Let’s plan on starting with regular practice next week. We’ve been working hard this summer and we’re ready for the new season.”

Tommy Whitaker, the quarterback, said, “Hey Coach, what are we going to do for a kicker? With Jimbo graduating last year, who are we going to get to replace him?”

“I’m workin’ on it Tom, right now, we’ve got Benji.” She looked at the scrawny kid standing in front.

“Oh man, no offense Benji, but we need someone with stronger legs than yours.”

“No problem, Tom. I know I’m not big, but I’ll do my best.” Benji said as he rubbed the back of his neck. A clear indication that he didn’t have much faith in his ability any more than the team did.

“It’s okay Benji, we’ll keep working with you,” Kate assured the little guy. “Okay, you guys hit the showers and I’ll see you on Monday. Don’t forget to sign the team agreements and turn them into Coach Donnelly.

“You heard Coach Holloway, get going. I’ll be in the locker room in twenty to pick up your agreements.” Jack Donnelly said. “What are we going to do Kate? You know Benji can’t hit the broad side of the barn. Hell, he can’t even kick the ball thirty feet.”

“I know Jack, but I’m not going to kick him off the team. He puts as much if not more effort into playing as the other guys. He deserves to be on the team. With that said, I’m still lookin’ for a kicker.” Kate had scouted other schools in the area, hoping she could find a replacement kicker, but the pickings were slim.

“Well, you know best. We’ll just make do. I’ll spend some more time with him, maybe keep him a little longer after practice.” Jack said as he watched Benji trail behind the other players.

“Good idea. Extra practice never hurt anybody. Well, I’m going to go watch some video of our opponent before I head out for the night.” Kate rubbed her hands together in anticipation. She loved watching videos on other teams, planning her defensive and offensive maneuvers. Her planning made her team the one to beat every season.

When she took over the team amid controversy of a woman coaching high school football, she assured the school board and the Principal she was the right person for the job. She had been proving that every season for the last ten years. Football was her passion and she instilled that passion in her boys. They wanted to win and more importantly, in her mind, it prepared them for life. Her motto was Win with Pride, Win with Integrity, and Win Even if You Lose. It took a while for the motto to catch on, but once it did the team was unstoppable.

“Are you going to be watching the Wolverines’ video all night?” Jack asked.

“Nope, I’ve got a date with Mary Jane Wilson at 8 p.m. We’re going to The Ranch dancing. You and Steph want to come?”

“Nah, we can’t. The twins have had a cold the last few days. Gonna have to pass tonight.” One thing about Jack Donnelly Kate loved was his devotion to family. She had always hoped she’d have a family, but that dream ended twenty years ago. She was the godmother to his twins and loved them almost as much as he did.

“Well, give Nathan and Mason a kiss for me and tell them I’ll be by this weekend to check on them. I believe I owe them a trip to the ice cream parlor.”

“You spoil those boys.” Jack shook his head at her.

“No, I love them more than their parents,” Kate smirked.

“Right, well I better get in there. Knowing those boys, they’ll be throwing soap at each other and making a mess of the locker room.” Jack took off towards the locker room and Kate followed at a more sedate pace, turning over the kicker issue over and over in her head.

Kate entered her office to her cell phone ringing. She grabbed it off her desk and swiped up. “Holloway.”

“Coach, this is Principal Davis. Are you free to come to the office?”

“Uh…Sure. We finished practice and I was going to watch the Wolverine video, but I can be over there in five minutes.” Kate looked at her phone wondering why the Principal would want to see her.

“Okay, good. See you in a minute.” The phone went dead as the Principal hung up.

“Great, now what? If one of those boys pulled another prank, I’m going to rip their ears off and feed them to Apple.” Kate put her phone in her pocket, grabbed her keys and locked her office as she headed the Administration building.

The Administration building was on the opposite side of the football field. She usually walked, but the Principal sounded harried so she opted for the Golf cart reserved for the coaches. She exited the football stadium parking lot and made her way around the property. She waved at kids getting in their cars to go home and shook her fist at kids who yelled, “Go Knollton Tornadoes.” School spirit was important at Knollton High and she made every effort to acknowledge that support.

Kate parked the cart in the designated spot by the walkway and jogged up to the building. As she walked down the hall, she high-fived kids and smacked hands with some of the teachers. The Principals office was fifty feet inside the door so she didn’t have far to go. She opened the door and spoke to Bertie, the school registrar. “Hey Bert, what’s going on?”

“New student, possible kicker for the team.”

“Yeah, you sure?” Kate didn’t want to get too excited, but if this new student was a kicker, her prayers would be answered.

“Well, that’s what I overheard before Carl shut the door. Go on in, he’s waitin’ for ya.” She gestured to the door and turned back to her computer.

The coach walked up to the door, knocked and walked in. “Principal Davis, what can I do…” Kate stopped mid-sentence. A young woman with bright green eyes and dark hair was standing beside the Principal. Kate felt her world shift. She knew those eyes. She had dreamed about them for twenty years, but it didn’t make sense. Those eyes went with strawberry blonde hair not dark hair.

“Ah, Coach Holloway. Let me introduce Edison Emilia Scott. She wants to try out as a kicker for your football team.” He smiled as he introduced the young woman.

Kate looked at the girl, the name didn’t match, but those eyes. Man-oh-man, what is wrong with me wishful thinkin’ I guess.

“Of course, sorry Principal Davis. Edison interesting name. You want to be a kicker, are you sure?”

“Now Coach, you’re not going to give her a hard time about being a girl and playing football are you?” Carl looked at her with a twinkle in his eye. He was one of her staunchest supporters when she applied for the coaching job and she knew he wouldn’t have a problem with a girl on the team. It was all the other people, she had to worry about.

“Yes, the kicker. Ya’ll don’t have a soccer team and I want to play ball so football it is.” Kate raised her eyebrow at the remark.

“Hmm…Soccer you say. What position did you play?”

“I was a forward. I’ve got strong legs, my endurance is top-notch, and I understand you need a kicker.” The kid had a take no prisoner attitude. Kate could get behind that kind of attitude.

Another knock on the door, “I’m sorry, I’m late. I got caught up talking to one of Ed’s new teachers.” Cassie Franklin-Scott walked into the room and stopped. “Oh my, Kate.”

Kate felt the bottom fall out of her world. The last person she thought she would see, just walked into the room and she looked ravishing. Cassie hadn’t changed a bit. Her eyes could still entice Kate’s soul. Her mid-shoulder strawberry blonde hair was a shade lighter and her body was fuller, more womanly. Kate was overwhelmed with so many feelings, but she would settle on indifference. It would not do for Cassie to see how much she affected her even after twenty years.

“Hello, Cassie. I didn’t know you were back in town.” Play it cool, Coach.

“Yes, we arrived last week. We’ve moved in with Mom for the time being.” Kate could tell Cassie was uncomfortable.

“Well, that’s good. So is it Ed or Edison?” Kate looked at the teenager.

“I prefer Ed, but I’ll answer to Edison if you want. Coach, I know this is short notice, but I really, really want to play.” Edison was tossing a soccer ball while she talked.

“Here in Texas, it’s football so you may want to get the right kind of ball. Practice starts at 3 p.m. on Monday. Be there on time and we’ll see how well you can kick a ball.” Kate turned as if to leave.

“Thanks, Coach! I won’t let you down.” Edison was grinning with joy.


Kate stopped and looked at Cassie. “Thanks.”

“No problem. Carl, talk to you later. I’ve got to get going.” She could not get out of the office fast enough. She was about to hyperventilate and she did not want Cassie to see how much she affected her.