I am a writer, a reader, a learner. And I’m a creative coach!

Hey, y’all! Welcome to my page. I’m Joshi, and this is where I share writing, wisdom, and industry insights—all while trying to complete my newest book.

Conquering the process of planning, plotting, and powering through your first book is exhilarating! But it can be exhausting and overwhelming, too. It’s a feeling that really can’t be explained…unless you’ve been there yourself. And that’s exactly why, after finishing a couple of my own books I decided to coach other authors to success. 

People who know me attest to my boundless energy and relentless give-it-all attitude when it comes to ANY project I’m working on—and that definitely includes writing! It takes all of that and MORE when you decide to undertake a novel (or any other lengthy piece of work). 

No matter what I’m doing, I can guarantee I’ll approach it will a Texas-sized amount of grit, a little Southern sass, and a positive attitude that will carry me through until the job is done.

Fire up your creativity by hopping over to my Instagram channel, where I’ve started a brand-new writing prompt challenge. Every time I post a random photo from one of my walks around the Phoenix area, followers are invited to jump in and write a sentence or two of the most creative supporting story they can imagine! C’mon, you know you want to! Go here to play.

If you’re ready to finally finish your book and get it into the hands of readers, you can find coaching and marketing guidance at Tilted Writer. Hope to see you there!

Check out a synopsis of my novel, Second Time Around, available on Amazon, below. And get a sneak-peek of Texas Hearts, releasing soon.



Second Time Around Summary

What do you do when your partner of thirty years dies? You buy an RV, after a family intervention, and travel around the United States eventually settling in a quirky RV Park. Working as the Park Attendant at the Purple Cactus RV Park, Austin finds herself attracted to the woman who owns the Book Shop in the Park. Her guilt prevents her from making a move to get to the know the woman who has made her feel alive again. She’s had her one true love, is there room for another?

Jaime Crocket has spent most of her life running from commitment. Her biggest commitment has been to her cat and her book shop. She loves living in the RV Park selling new and used books along with coffee and wine. She is immediately drawn to the woman who arrives without preamble to work as the new Park Attendant. Jaime is frustrated by the woman who acts like she wants her, but every time they get close, she pushes her away. She’s never known true love, but she knows if she can get Austin to stop running, she’ll have found her true love.

The immediate attraction between the two women can’t be denied. Can Jaime overcome Austin’s self-imposed guilt and allow herself to make a commitment? And can Austin accept that she can find true love the second time around?

Texas Hearts_Tornados_Cover.jpg

Texas Hearts Summary

Two things are important to Kate Holloway - Coaching the Knollton Tornadoes football team and her dog. She’s never had a partner and doesn’t plan to have one in the future. She's lived her whole life in her hometown of Knollton, Texas. She has won many football games and is dating the local English teacher. Her heart has been broken only once and she's never going to let that happen again.

Cassie Franklyn moved away from Knollton as soon as she graduated from high school and she's never looked back. She married her college girlfriend and they had a daughter together. Now, she's divorced and has moved back to her hometown to start over and to take care of her mother. She prides herself on being able to keep her life organized and in check especially for her daughter's sake.

Cassie's daughter wants to play the kicker position on the Knollton Tornadoes team. She reasons since she can't play soccer, football is the next best thing. Cassie never liked football so she has no reason to keep up with the happenings of her hometown football team. She's never denied her daughter anything even though she has reservations about letting her play football.

Cassie's organized life is about to be turned upside down when she comes face to face with the woman she still dreams about and who's ghost broke up her marriage. Kate can't believe the one woman who broke her heart is back in town with a daughter to boot. A daughter who wants to play on her football team. A daughter that should have been her daughter. Will the two women be able to put their differences aside for the sake of the team? Will they be able to rekindle a love lost? Will they be able to put back together their Texas hearts?